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①  -Chemistry-

【Green chemistry, Fuel cell】

(1)Ionic liquids

Ionic liquids are organic salts with very low melting point, named for being liquid state at room temperature. Recently, ionic liquids are getting more and more attention in several kinds of study fields. One of our research objectives is to broaden the application of them. Since ionic liquids have unique physicochemical properties, we have been conducting basic research on them for years. 

Cellulose, one of the most abundant organic compounds, can be one of biomass energy sources. However, its rigid structure due to inter- and intra- molecular hydrogen bonds makes its decomposition and utilization difficult. To deal with the problem, ionic liquids can be used as solvents. Ionic liquids can dissolve cellulose and mitigate its structure. Our lab has been investigating cellulose dissolution in ionic liquids as well as the effect of high pressure on this dissolution process.

(2)Accelerated dissolution of cellulose by Ionic liquids 

【Development of Energy reduction      

    technology with low environmental burden】

(3)Ripening technology of perfume:Development of production method with low energy and CO2 release

                    (patent applied for)

Perfumes usually require half a year to several years to get ripened enough. We are investigating the effect of high pressure treatment on the ripening process in an attempt to shorten the ripening period, as well as to reduce the total production cost.

(4)Transport technology under controlled temperature 

It is extremely difficult to transport something vulnerable to temperature change such as cells under constant temperature. Here, our lab is trying to develop a transport vessel which makes constant temperature transport as easily as possible. 

④  -Medical Welfare-

【Technologies for human health and                              walfare development】

(1)Development of cell preservation

           method using hydrostatic pressure                                       (patent applied for)

The purpose of this research is to preserve cells with high survival rate under non-freezing temperatures. Some of mammalian cells are highly vulnerable to freezing preservation, which is common in medical or biochemical researches.

②  -Environment-

【Development of cleaning technology

                                        for microstructure】

(1)Development of cleaning technology of micro-structure on mold and semiconductor (patent applied for )  


Nano-imprint lithography is a very important technology for photo-voltaic power generation and semiconductor manufacturing. However, one problem of the technique is that unremoved resin on the mold deteriorates the printing quality and causes low production efficiency. Moreover, in general, harmful solutions are often used for cleaning molds. Therefore, we are applying pressure to the cleaning process in an attempt to increase the cleaning efficiency and reduce the consumption of harmful solutions.

【Removal of persistent substance

                                    and water purification】

(2)Efficient removal of persistent substances

                   and water purification

We are trying to decompose persistent substances, which are difficult or take time to degrade in general, with higher enzymatic activity under high pressure. We are aiming to develop water purification technology based on the research findings.

③  -Food Science-

【Food safety・Value-added food】

(1)Food waste reduction, Freshness keeping, Value-added food with high pressure treatment

​Tons of vegetables are wasted every year just because they get visually bad even if they can be still edible. We are developing technology with high pressure treatment which keeps wilted vegetables fresh and recovers the freshness and nutrition. Furthermore, we are improving this technology as a future food transport aiming to reduce transport energy and cost. 


(2)Method for removing residual agrochemical

At present, some of agricultural chemicals adhere to most of vegetables causing serious health problems to people in developing countries. In developed countries, chemical-free vegetables can be produced easily, but difficult in developing countries. Therefore, we are developing technology to remove agricultural chemicals on vegetables effectively at low cost using high pressure treatment. 

0.1 MPa

 0.1 MPa 

(2)Basic study of aging 

Pressure treatments can influence many cellular functions. By investigating these mechanisms, we try to accumulate scientific knowledge about anti-aging as well as prevention of diseases associated with aging. 

⑤  -Bioecology-

【Marine organisms and pressure】

(3)Development of a transport vessel 

The research about ES cells and iPS cells would be put to practical use in the near future. However, there is one problem how to transport these cells to even overseas without significant damage on them. Few researches focused on cell preservation and transport have been carried out so far. Therefore, we try to develop a transport vessel and contribute to medical care. 

We are investigating the effect of pressure on metabolism and behavioral patterns of marine organisms by creating simulated marine environment. In addition, the relationship between pressure and anesthesia has been indicated by several researchers but not yet understood fully. Therefore we will conduct basic research on the effect of anesthesia under high pressure.

MEXT-Supported Program

Copyright (C) 2017 Soka University Shimizu Lab,  All rights reserved

​Shimizu Lab -Physical Chemistry Lab-

Soka University
Faculty of Science and Engineering

Graduate school of Environmental Engineering for Symbiosis


〒192-8577​ 1-236, Tangi-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo

Soka University, Building F#303 

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